Monday, July 12, 2010

This guy I know

He's called Jens SomethingSomething, but in artistic endeavours he uses the monikers Jens Robot, Jens Røvbot (loosely translates to AssBot from Danish) and in old times was known as Strait. Anyways, he runs this record label-ish website called releasing freely downloadable electronic music, mainly oldskool acid and breakcore (which includes just about every other genre there is) and forum-chatting about intellectual stuff like gay porn, kiddy porn, weed and sodomy. Oh yeah, and occasionally slandering Venetian Snares for being great at what he does and hailing Richard D. James as the godfather of all there is.
Anyways, Jens just released an album on Red Tape (the Danish label, not the other shit Google prefers to show you) called CFX. It is more than good and better than most of his illphabetik releases. Go fetch :

And this is Jens on the left. Fashionable guy:

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